I always begin things with the best of intentions. I love to write. Something about your own thoughts and imaginings in the form of the written word has always excited me. I had a dream once that I would even write a novel. I have had the tendency to dream too big my whole life. I feel that it has always served me well. However, from an outsiders perspective it could seem as if I am a bit flaky, never finishing the things I start. Those closest to me would say that I can never concentrate on just one thing. I am always starting projects and then leaving them strewn about behind me as I run forward on to my next endeavor. Big or small, from laundry scattered about my room, to school applications. My whole life I have always taken on EVERYTHING. I once heard someone say: "shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you will land among the stars." The idea that if you always shoot for your highest possible potential, you could never REALLY fail strikes a chord with me. I have always feared failure. To me failure means finding that you can't do something that you thought you could do. I needed to believe that in life, you could never really fail if you always tried.
As always, I digress. This blog is a shining example of one of those many "projects" that I began with the absolute best of intentions. I wanted a way to keep my friends and family in touch with my life. I have always been horrible at keeping in touch with old friends. There are people in my life (or that WERE in my life) that I still think about every day. I see their daily lives flash by on Facebook, but we never really speak. I know it is my own fault because I get so wrapped up in my own busy life. This blog was my way of sharing my life with those people I lost touch with. Or just friends and family who live far away who want to read about my day-to-day endeavors. With all that is going on in my life now. I think it is especially important to re-dedicate myself to this lost little "project".
Over the last 6 months so much has happened in my life. In January, I was married to the most wonderful person I could ever imagine spending an entire lifetime with. In March, we found out that we were expecting our first baby! It was an amazing blessing. We knew before we were married that family was the most important thing to us. We wanted to start that family as soon as God would allow us. Turns out He didn't think we needed long! We struggle daily with the changes that becoming parents brings. I believe wholeheartedly that our relationship will be stronger for it in the end. After all, I know we both feel strongly that of the many things we were meant to do in life, being parents is one of the more important ones.
I really look forward to sharing more of my experience from here on out. Because we are in for quite the journey.